Product Chain


EcoGeco short distribution chain: all within a range of 50 km.


Check google map Ecogeco short distribution chain with the geo-referencing of the various production network nodes.


Supply chain nodes


Corso Milano, 130
Verona, VR 37138

Eurotrade S.r.l.

Via Ferrari, 1
Scorzè, VE 30037

Taglieria Newton

Via Ronchi Sinistra 2/L
Piombino Dese, PD 35017

Gifa Ricamificio S.r.l.

Via Villatega, 19
Salzano, VE 30030

Alima Service S.r.l.

Viale dell’Artigianato III strada 15/a
Candiana, PD 35020

Lim S.n.c.

Via Frassenara, 21
Montagnana, PD 35044

Stireria Francky S.r.l.

Via Taglio Sx 61/A
Mirano, VE 30035




How our jeans are made

ecogeco | cotone biologico

Clean Cotton

The organic cotton flakes
first are spun then dyed.

ecogeco indaco vegetale

Vegetable indigo

From the maceration of indigo leaves one of the most ancient pigments is obtained.
In time normal colours turn grey,whereas indigo confers brightness and depth to the fabric

ecogeco | taglio dei jeans


Digital technology permits small scale.


ecogeco | confezione

Where eye and head is necessary

Care, attention, method.
Work is value, not cost.

ecogeco | trattamento naturale con sassi

Without harmful treatments

Traditional treaments
use a lot of chemical substances;
there are excellent alternatives
that respect the health of the workers,
their skin and the environment:
they only cost slightly more